9/3/2015 - Services Limited at Some Town Beaches on September 4 th.

Staffing issues as a result of an earlier start to the public school year have required the Department of Parks and Recreation to limit services at some Town beaches on September 4. The Department hopes that all beaches will be open and fully staffed for Labor Day weekend.

Anyone wanting to inquire about the status of a specific beach can call the main beach office at Crab Meadow Beach, 631-261-7574 

 The following beaches have no staff at the beach site and the bathrooms are closed:

  • Hobart 
  • Asharoken

The following beaches have no lifeguard coverage but one staff member is present for limited coverage during the day to have the bathrooms open the main part of the beach day:

  • West Neck until 7:30 p.m.
  • Gold Star Battalion until 3:30 p.m.
  • Crescent until 3:30 p.m.
  • Fleets Cove until 3:30 p.m.

The following beaches have full staff coverage with lifeguard and attendant:

  • Centerport
  • Crab Meadow