
Trash and Recycling

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Household Medical Sharps Disposal

Proper Disposal of Household “Sharps”

Many community residents use “sharps” – hypodermic needles, lancets or other instruments- to manage their health care at home. Proper disposal of these instruments protects family members and our sanitation workers form accidental injury.

If you use household sharps to manage your diabetes or other medical conditions, please follow these procedures for proper disposal:

Proper Sharps Disposal1. Use a puncture-proof plastic container with a tight-fitting screw top. Plastic soda bottles and bleach/laundry detergent containers all work well.

2. Do not use glass containers or coffee cans.

3. Label the container clearly. Write “Contains Sharps” with a waterproof marker directly on the containers, or masking tape on the container.

4. After using the syringe or lancet, immediately put it into the container. Screw the top on. Do not clip, bend or recap needles because you may injure yourself.

5. Keep container away from children.

6. When the containers full, screw on the top tightly. Seal with heavy duty tape.

7. Place the sealed container with your regular refuse for safe disposal.

Containers with sharps inside cannot be recycled.