
Tax and Assessment

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Tax Rate Information & Calculations

Important Notice 1: School District Taxes 

School District taxes are based on annual school budgets prepared by School District officials and approved by district voters. The School Tax amount shown on your tax bill is determined by and collected solely for the benefit of your School District. The Tax Receiver performs only the duty of lawful collection agent.
Any questions or complaints regarding school taxes must be addressed directly to the taxing authority: Your elected School District officials.  

Important Notice 2: Due Dates

By law, taxes due become a lien on December 1st, payable in two equal installments. The first-half installment is payable without penalty on or before January 10th.   The second-half installment is payable without penalty on or May 31st.  During this time, payments are made to Jillian Guthman, Receiver of Taxes, 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743.  
After May 31, all taxes, penalties and interest must be paid to the Suffolk County Comptroller at 330 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901-3311.  

How to Use Tax Rate Schedule & Taxable Districts Table

In any given tax year, to compute the tax for any individual district multiply the assessed valuation shown on your tax bill by the tax rate shown for that district on the Taxable Districts table for that tax year. Your total tax rate equals rates for: 1) School District, plus 2) Library District, plus 3) Combined Code (see example).

Example of Combined Code

Combined Code Number 135 on your tax bill equals the sum of the following 
Tax Districts: 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 14 + 20 + 22 + 23 + 40 + 96 + 97 + Refuse

5 New York State Real Properly Tax Law    9 Highway Maintenance  23 New York State MTA Tax    
6 County Tax  14 Greenlawn Fire District  40 Greenlawn Water District 
7 Town (Outside of Incorporated Villages)    20 Townwide Lighting District      96 Out-of-County Tuition  
8 Suffolk County Police District  22 Open Space Bonds I & II  97 Suffolk Community College 

Plus Town Refuse District

(Note: NY State Veterans Exemption shown on your tax bill applies to Codes: 123456789 and 22)

Rate Schedules & Districts (by Tax Year) 

Listing files in 'Tax Rate Information'